Products / Services

To meet physicians and patients’ needs, we are one of the few companies to successfully build a comprehensive and multi-dimensional product and service portfolio targeting over 20 cancer types covering the entire cycle of cancer early detection and screening, diagnosis, treatment selection and monitoring.    

Genecast THEMIS

The THEMIS test is based on multimodal epigenetic characterization analysis of cell-free DNA Whole-Methylome Sequencing for early detection and localization of cancer.

16.1-THEMIS 插图1.png

THEMIS score, which could yield the final probability of having cancer, is from the ensemble model based on the four modalities by analyzing Whole-Methylome Sequencing (WMS).

16.2-THEMIS 插图2.png

16.3-THEMIS 插图3.png

THEMIS is a sensitive multicancer detection and localization approach with overall sensitivity of 86% at a specificity of 99%, especially for early-stage cancers showing the sensitivity of 72% (stage I) and 81% (stage II).

16.4-THEMIS 插图4.png

Multimodal analysis of cell-free DNA whole methylome sequencing for cancer detection and localization Nature Communications | (2023) 14:6042